Hello! I'm Sharita

and on my FIRE Journey

Years to FIRE


months expenses saved

Income streams

How I Became a FIRE-Journey Traveller

Hello! I am Sharita, the founder of Women’s Wealth Builder. Together with my man we raise two small kids in the beautiful city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. While I work full-time I’m passionate about financial independence. And as I’m on my journey, I empower and help you reach financial freedom as well. How? By budgeting better, saving more, hustle as much as possible, and invest wisely.

Imagine that you can go on your dream holiday, not having to worry about your next bill, or pay your kids tuition fee. Even try to imagine that you can do whatever, whenever, wherever and not having to worry going in to work, isn’t that the ultimate form of freedom. Live your life on your terms! What would you do?

Hoping and praying to win the lottery to finally do what you want in life is fine. And a very, veryyy few are lucky to win the lottery. The rest of us have to create our own wealth. With the free FIRE Roadmap you can get started with your own wealth building and take control of your own financial future. As I’m heading towards FIRE myself I’d like to pass on the financial knowledge so you can achieve the same financial freedom.

Over 20 years ago I got to lucky as I unexpectedly received $10,000. Let me start at the beginning. I was 16 years young and moved to America in the mountains of Roanoke VA. The joy of living there and experiencing the American lifestyle came quickly to an end after just 6 weeks of arrival. After school my brother picked me up ready to head back home. With the radio in the background we stopped behind the school bus and saw the kids getting out of the bus until time instantly stood still…

I was first silent, but then realized what happened and screamed as loud as I could. I got out of the car fast to immediately realize I couldn’t walk… Yes, there I was, lying on the road in a foreign country unable to walk after a serious car accident. The doctors saw that my pelvic was broken and I needed to walk on crutches. A big relief for me, as everything would heal in several weeks. But in typical American style we sued the Insurance company for “pain and suffering”. Two years later and back in the Netherlands I received a check in the mail from my lawyer. At the young age of 18 I received a check of $10,000. This was a crazy large amount for me, especially at that age.

The first thing I bought was a TV 😉 (don’t judge, I was 18 LOL). The second thing I did was putting the money aside, literally. I have always been responsible and smart with money. However, at the age of 18 I was not enough educated on wealth building yet. So I did what I knew best, SAVE without a sound financial plan. No spending plan, no accumulation plan, NOTHING! Just save in a savings account.

So what happened in the last 20 years with the $10,000, it just sat there and slowly but surely leaked out of my account. Most likely for items I needed (or wanted LOL) when I moved to a dorm room, when I moved to my first apartment, when I went on a holiday to Thailand, and when I helped out family members with medical bills. But to be honest, I have no idea or clue on what I used the $10,000 on besides the TV I bought. Yes, sure, I was lucky enough to be able to do all those fun things but would I have made the same decision if I was financially educated enough? Definitely NO!

Years later I looked back at that $10,000 and realized I needed to be more financial literate. If I was financially educated enough and made a financial plan in a workbook I would have had over $40,000 without taking away from the fun activities and experiences I had. I’m not sad that I didn’t do what was financially smart for my goals, because I’m using this experience as a lesson, as I read finance books and educate myself through (online) courses to better myself. And now I feel empowered to take smart financial decisions that align with my financial goals.

Women’s Wealth Builder is perfect for people that want to continue to improve their financial situation or want to realize their financial dreams, if it is getting out of debt, building an emergency fund or another savings goal, or create financial freedom. I’ve organized the Women’s Wealth Builder in four elements, Budgeting, Saving, Hustling, and Investing. Combining these four elements in a smart way makes Financial Independence achievable for anyone.

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